Neahkanie Bay, gouache, 26x28
Pathways Private Collection
Education: University of Minnesota, U. of Oregon, Minneapolis School of Art.
Collections: Portland Art Museum, Seattle Art Museum, the Museum of People’s Art and the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum.
Born and raised in Tillamook, Oregon, after receiving her art education at the University of Oregon and the Minneapolis School of Art, Lucia completed a mural for the Tillamook Post Office in 1943 and The Building of the Morning Star, for the County Courthouse in 1950 and was selected as a finalist for the 1951 gold medal exhibition by the Architectural League of New York. She also painted murals in Minneapolis and International Falls. Painting frescoes for her graduate degree at the University of Oregon, she then exhibited her work across the US in Minnesota, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C. and at the Whitney in NYC. She loaned cartoons for murals to the 1941 Guatemala National Fair, had a painting at the Tate in London, and had two shows at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC. She took a faculty position at the Museum Art School in Portland where she taught drawing and painting until 1955 when she entered the Episcopal Convent, Holy Spirit of St. Hilda’s in New York City.
Neahkanie Bay, gouache, 26x28
Pathways Private Collection