Education: Museum Art School, Western Oregon State College, studied under Harry Wentz, Anna Crocker.
Collections: Portland Art Museum, Oregon Historical Society, Timberline Lodge, U. of Oregon, Oregon Society of Artists, Museum of People’s Art, Hallie Ford Museum.
Prolific painter, print maker, muralist, sculptor, wood carver, labor organizer, migrant worker, shipyard worker, bookstore owner, mother member of the Communist Party, and a Christian. As a WPA artist, she worked on Timberline Lodge, murals in Pendleton and a series of murals in Portland’s Rose City Grade School. Her art often reflects daily life, women and children, ship yard workers, and life in migrant camps. In many demonstrations, she was arrested in her 80’s at the last protest against nuclear power at the Trojan Nuclear plant. “She believed socialism bridged the gap between the Christian ideals she had been taught as a child and the reality of capitalism.” Obituary: People’s Weekly World.
Please see our Martina Gangle Curl Numbered Re-strike Prints collection