Blue Mountain Community, 18 ½ x15 ¾
Charles Haney
Hillside Homes, 17 ¾ x 15 ¾
Charles Haney
Aquarium, 19 ½ x 16
Charles Haney
Three Cacti, 20 ¾ x 18
Charles Haney
Saw Mill, 18 ¼ x 15 ¾
Charles Haney
In Back of Kellys, 18 x 16 ½ (unframed)
Charles Haney
Gathering Crab Pots, 24 x 20 (unframed)
William Givler
Pregnant Woman and Child, 8 x 10
Ralph Chesse
Four Variations on Three Figures, 9 ½ x 12
Ralph Chesse
Blanchisseuse, 13 ½ x 15 ½
Ralph Chesse
Oregon River, 19 x 22 ½
Jeanne Moment
Oregon Farm, 16 x 13
Jeanne Moment
The Oregon Coast, 25 x 21
Nelson Sandgren
Two People, 18 ¾ x 15 ½
Nelson Sandgren
Mountains, 18 x 15
Bue Kee
Ranchos Laos, 18 ½ x 15 ½
Bernard Geiser
Mining Village, 18 ½ x 18 ½
Anne Michalov
Mill at Oregon City, 14 x 14
Daniel Robinson
Juniper Tree, 20 ¾ x 18
Steven Tunturi
Sandy River, 24 x 18
Josephine Cameron
Man Fighting Dragon, 14 x 18
Arthur Runquist
Down and Out, 18 x 14
Arthur Runquist
Mary and Jesus Overcoming Greed, 16 x 18
Martina Gangle Curl
Migrant Labor Camp, 15 ½ x 13 ½
Martina Gangle Curl
Tent and Workers, 13 ½ x 15 ½
Martina Gangle Curl
Woman Shielding Children, 15 ¼ x 14 ¼
Martina Gangle Curl
Prune Picker, 15 x 17
Martina Gangle Curl
To a Fellow Worker, 13 x 14 ½
Martina Gangle Curl
Ecclesiastes (Harvesters), 11 x 15
Martina Gangle Curl
Ecclesiastes (Harvesters), 11 x 15
Martina Gangle Curl